Georgia’s House recently underwent a drastic re-model (in days!) and feels more like a home than ever. Without the sailors of the USS Albuquerque, it would have been impossible. New flooring. New paint. And among the improvements is the kitchen sink is in…the kitchen. (Before it was in a back hallway). It is amazing.
There were multiple people and groups who helped out, and you’ll be hearing about them in the next few days.

I want to start with the USS Albequerque. They have done multiple outside “clean-up” projects for us. The property is large and grass needs cut, little maintenance items come up, items need to go to the dump, a shed needed torn down, etc. They also held a canned food drive for us.
But the sailors went above and beyond anything we expected with helping with the remodel. The sailors came out- on their day off!- to do an AMAZING amount of work. They literally got approximately 3 days of work done in 5 hours. They disassembled 15 heavy, very sturdy, wooden bunkbeds and lugged them out into storage. They lugged everything in the shelter (if it was on the floor, it had to go) out to storage. They ripped up carpet and flooring. They painted. They did a million little things that go along with remodeling.
It would have been impossible to complete this so quickly- thus keeping the women and children in our shelter with a roof over their head- without their help. Every future individual who stays there will benefit from the improvements.
The Navy community in the area has helped so much over the years. Commands, FRG’s, individuals, volunteers (approximately half of the volunteers are Navy-related in some way).
Thank you, USS Albuquerque! Your sailors are amazing and the positive impact they had on us, thus the community, is immeasurable.